Topic: Cancer throughout the lifespan – addressing the psychosocial needs of diverse populations
Location: Berlin, Germany
Time: 14 – 18 August 2017
Clinical practice guide in psycho-oncology: an example from Romania
Psychosocial predictors of satisfaction with intimate life in the context of cancer: quantitative study of people with cancer in Romania
APSCO – Romanian Association for Services and Communication in Oncology
Special meetings and events
International Society for Psycho-Oncology Board Meeting
From left to right:
Thomas Hack (Canada); Chioma Asuzu (Nigeria); Wendy Wing Tak Lam (Hong Kong); Jane Turner (Australia); Paul Jacobsen (United States); Luzia Travado (Portugal); Csaba L. Dégi (Romania); Ozan Bahcivan (Turkey); Anthony Laycock (Canada); Daisuke Fujisawa (Japan); Luigi Grassi (Italy); Maria Die-Trill (Spain); Nancy Ferro (Argentina)
International Society for Psycho-Oncology Federation meeting
IPOS Federation Members discuss strategies to build capacity for psychosocial services globally at IPOS 2017 Congress in Berlin
IPOS Scholarship Recipient Meeting
We express our heartfelt thanks to Professor Mehnert and the Karl-Heinz-Frenzen-Stiftung
Developments in psycho-oncology in Central-Eastern Europe
Chairs: Luzia Travado, Csaba L. Dégi
Conference program is here.
Presentation abstracts are here.
More information on this link.
Join us for the 20th IPOS World Congress in Hong Kong, 29 October – 2 November 2018