IPOS World Congress of Psycho-Oncology 2017
Citable abstract in Psycho-Oncology 26 (Suppl. 3): 51-52 – IF 3.095
Cristina Faludi, Csaba L. Dégi: Psychosocial predictors of satisfaction with intimate life in the context of cancer: a quantitative study of people with cancer in Romania
Citable abstract in Psycho-Oncology 26 (Suppl. 3): 129 – IF 3.095
Florina Pop, Roxana Postolica, Corina Lupau, Csaba László Dégi: Clinical practice guide in psycho-oncology: an example from Romania
Csaba L. Dégi: APSCO – Romanian Association for Services and Communication in Oncology
World Congress of Psycho-Oncology 2016
Citable abstract in Psycho-Oncology 25 (Suppl. 3): 3 – IF 3.256
Eva Kallay, Sebastian Pintea, Csaba L. Dégi: Does knowledge of diagnosis really affect rates of depression in cancer patients?
17th IASLC World Conference on Lung Cancer
Csaba L. Dégi: Psycho-social and communication needs of lung cancer patients: Romanian results
MASCC/ISOO International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer 2016
Citable abstract in Supportive Care in Cancer 24 (Suppl. 1): eP252 – IF 2.535
Csaba L. Dégi, Eva Kallay: Supportive cancer care needs in Romania: a repeated-cross sectional perspective
ESHMS 16th Biennial Congress
Csaba L. Dégi, Eva Kallay, Sebastian Pintea: APSCO: An analysis of potential demographic and psychosocial moderators of the relationship between knowing the cancer diagnosis and depression
III. Body and Mind Conference –
National Cancer Institute and National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation
Csaba L. Dégi: Új csoporttagok, az appok és a hangvezérelt virtuális asszisztensek az onkológiai ellátásban
10th Breast Pathology National Conference
Citable presentation in Update in Breast Pathology Volum II, Editors.: Prof. Dr. Simona Stolnicu and Dr. Tibor Mezei
ISBN 978-606-8215-62-4, Târgu-Mureş : Farmamedia, 2016
Csaba L. Dégi: What are the ensemble benefits for society from psychologic and empatic aid, offered to patient during the breast cancer treatment?
II. Ziua Națională de Prevenție a Suicidului – Alianța Română de Prevenție a Suicidului
Csaba L. Dégi: Chinuit sau mai bine mort? – înțelegerea riscului suicidar al pacienților cu cancer
Social Work International Conference
Csaba L. Dégi: Oncology Social Work in Romania
4th European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine Congress 2016
Csaba L. Dégi, Eva Kallay, Sebastian Pintea: An analysis of potential demographic and psychosocial moderators of the relationship between knowing the cancer diagnosis and depression
AOSW 32nd Annual Conference
Csaba L. Dégi: Social Workers in Oncology: A Harbor to Seek in Romania
6th European Conference for Social Work Research
Csaba L. Dégi: A research-based perspective on oncology social workers in Romania
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association
Denalee O’Malley, Csaba L. Dégi, Brittany Gilbert, Shari Munch: Translating research evidence into social work practice in Romania: cancer care
World Congress of Psycho-Oncology 2015
Citable abstract in Psycho-Oncology 24 (Suppl. 2): 79-80 – IF 2.443
Csaba L. Dégi, Ignac Gy. Lukacs, Eva Kallay: Cancer disclosure in Romania: trends and risks —translation ‘from power to person’
European Association of Psychosomatic Medicine Congress 2015
Citable abstract in Journal of Psychosomatic Research 78 (Issue 6): 606 – IF 2.736
Eva Kallay, Csaba L. Dégi: The investigation of the effect played by demographic variables and coping mechanisms on distress and well-being in a nationally representative Romanian sample of cancer patients
MASCC/ISOO International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer 2015
Citable abstract in Supportive Care in Cancer 23 (Suppl. 1): MASCC-S1–S388 – IF 2.364
Csaba L. Dégi, Ignac Gy. Lukacs, Eva Kallay:
CANWON Training School in Romania – COST HORIZON 2020
Csaba L. Dégi: Psychosocial needs in cancer: an overview of the Romanian situation *VIDEO
Éva Kallay: Cancer-related distress and its efficient management trough interventions
National Cancer Institute – Oncology and Rehabilitation Conference
Csaba L. Dégi: Az onkopszichológiai rehabilitáció lehetőségei Romániában *VIDEO
16th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy
Citable abstract in Psycho-Oncology 23 (Suppl. 3): P2-0022; S20-0289 – IF 4.044
Csaba L. Dégi: Screening Romanian cancer patients with the Emotion Thermometers (ET) Tool: a validation study *AUDIO
Csaba L. Dégi: Psychosocial oncology care in Romania: need for action
13th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine
Citable abstract in International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 21 (Suppl. 1): P26; P28 – IF 2.210
Csaba L. Dégi, Éva Kallay, Mária Kopp: Depression and its correlates in Hungarian cancer patients
Csaba L. Dégi, Éva Kallay, Mária Kopp: Trends in depression and well-being in Hungarian cancer patients – a longitudinal study
Care and cure: the EAPM annual meeting 2014
Csaba L. Dégi, Mihaela E. Cimpianu: Opportunities for psychosocial oncology care in Romania – professional perspectives
International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer 2014
Citable abstract in Supportive Care in Cancer 22 (Suppl. 1): MASCC-0100; MASCC-0101 – IF 2.495
Csaba L. Dégi: Work-related challenges for cancer patients during treatment in Romania
Csaba L. Dégi, Eva Kallay, Ignac Gy. Lukacs, Mihaela E. Cimpianu, Cristina Burz:
4th International Conference on Sociology and Social Work
Csaba L. Dégi: Psychosocial oncology care in Romania: building professional capacities
XXIIIrd Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Psychological Association
Csaba L. Dégi: Pszichoonkológia Erdélyben: szükségletek és távlatok
Csaba L. Dégi: A hatodik életjel műhely
Csaba L. Dégi: Igények és lehetőségek az erdélyi szociomedikális segítők körében – első helyzetkép
Éva Kállay, Csaba L. Dégi: Reducing distress in a sample of Romanian female cancer patients with expressive writing
Florina Pop: Eclectic methodological approach to psychological intervention in cancer care
Andrea Varga: Diakónia Keresztény Alapítvány
The Changing Prospects for Cancer: New models of aftercare for those living with and beyond cancer
Csaba L. Dégi: What are the key challenges for patients living with and beyond cancer in Romania?
International Thanatological Conference
Csaba L. Dégi: Az onkológiai betegek pszicho-szociális szükségleteinek felmérése *AUDIO
15th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy
Citable abstract in Psycho-Oncology 22 (Suppl. 3): P3-30 – IF 3.506
Csaba L. Dégi, Éva Kállay, Mária Kopp: Trends in cancer distress: results of a representative population-based investigation
MASCC/ISOO International Symposium on Supportive Care in Cancer
Citable abstract in Supportive Care in Cancer 21 (Suppl. 1): MASCC-0451 – IF 2.649
Csaba L. Dégi: Assessment of Psycho-social and Communication Needs in Romanian Oncology Patients – APSCO
International Palliative Care Network Conference 2013 – invited lecture
Csaba L. Dégi: Models of Care and Strategies to Provide Early Palliative Care in Romania
III. Miskolc International Symposium on Gerontology
Csaba L. Dégi: Erdélyi tapasztalatok a segítő áldozatvállalásról időskori daganatos betegségben
Closer Look – International cooperation of research workshops, without borders
Renáta Botházi, Előd Balázs, Csaba L. Dégi: Pszichológiai életminőségvizsgálat két város tükrében
World Conference on Psychology and Sociology 2012
Csaba L. Dégi: Psychosocial aspects of cancer in hospitalized adult patients in Romania
Emotion Thermometers Tool * Dégi L. Csaba – TOU © ROMANIAN
Emotion Thermometers Tool * Dégi L. Csaba – TOU © HUNGARIAN
NCCN Distress Thermometer * Dégi L. Csaba – TOU © ROMANIAN
Clinical Practice Guidelines in Cancer Care in Romanian (click below to read)
AOSW Oncology Social Work Standards of Practice in Romanian and Hungarian (click below to read)
IPOS Multilingual Core Curriculum was officially launched in Romanian
IPOS presents this online lecture series of ten webcasts, funded by the European School of Oncology (ESO).
The core webcasts in Romanian are:
- Psychosocial Assessment in Cancer Patients by Uwe Koch MD, PhD and Anja Mehnert PhD
- Psychosocial Interventions: Evidence and Methods for Supporting Cancer Patients by Maggie Watson PhD and Barry Bultz PhD
- Distress Management in Cancer by Jimmie C. Holland MD
- Cancer: A Family Affair by Lea Baider PhD
- Managing Suicide Risk in Cancer Patients by Maggie Watson PhD and Luigi Grassi MD
Please click on the links below to view the webcasts:
In 2008 APSCO`s PI was involved in the Best Practices Exchange in Psychosocial Oncology Summit, organized by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) and Cancer Care from United States, held at the University of Debrecen in Nyiregyhaza, Hungary. The Summit funded by Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation was successful and PI was invited to contribute to the NASW WebEd credited course “Understanding Cancer Caregiving: The Social Worker’s Role” which is singular among international courses offered by NASW WebEd. You can access it here in English and Hungarian: http://www.naswwebed.org/.
Csaba L. Dégi: Psychosocial oncology needs: an absent voice in Romania. Debrecen University Press, Hungary, 2016
Dégi, C. L.: Povestea oncologică în România: șansa la luptă. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj – Napoca, 2016
Dégi, C. L.: Daganatos történet Romániában: a sajnálaton túl. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Kolozsvár, 2016
Csaba L. Dégi: Aspectele psihosociale ale bolilor tumorale. Evaluare şi intervenţie. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2011
Csaba L. Dégi: A daganatos betegségek pszichoszociális elemzése. Elméleti bevezető segitőknek. Presa Universitară Clujeană, Kolozsvár, 2010
Tanácsadó füzet súlyos betegségben szenvedők hozzátartozóinak
Reviewed by clinical psychologist Farcaș Raluca and published in the PALIAŢIA – Journal of palliative care in 2017. Review in Romanian and English.
Ghid pentru înțelegerea testării genetice în cancerul mamar familial
Proiect realizat de psiholog clinician Margit Orsolya în colaborare cu Asociația Pentru Servicii și Comunicare în Oncologie.
Lector științific: Conf. Dr. Csép Katalin