Cancer distress screening APSCO®© app

APSCO®© app is the first ET based computerized to automated distress screening instrument for cancer patients, significant others and professionals. This evidence-based tool serves as a self-directed screening, monitoring and resource finding tool. APSCO* team works for services and communication in oncology in Romania, an underserved country regarding psycho-oncology, where culture of help-seeking is problematic. Promoting self-managed care in part of our ongoing capacity building efforts.

Joint copyright © Mitchell J. A. & Dégi L. Cs.
Developer: VG @ GPLAY


Cancer distress screening APSCO®© app was official launch at a press conference in January 2016. Media monitoring results are here.

*Assessment of Psycho-Social and Communication needs in Oncology patients – APSCO® – is supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS – UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2012-3-0011, contract number 34/30.04.2013.