Endorsement and translations of IPOS International Quality Standard in Cancer Care


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We are pleased to confirm that APSCO – Romanian Association for Services and Communication in Oncology unreservedly endorses the IPOS International Quality Standard of Cancer Care.

APSCO – Romanian Association for Services and Communication in Oncology is a non-profit association whose goal is informing and changing patients and societies’ mentality regarding cancer diagnosis, physical and mental rehabilitation of cancer patients, promoting and implementing their rights, psychosocial cancer care for patients and their families, as well as giving support to medical staff in order to provide complex and complete services which contribute to quality of life improvement.

IPOS’s standards will be reflected in the policy and practice of APSCO – Romanian Association for Services and Communication in Oncology as it was translated and adapted into Romanian and Hungarian language and made publicly available below.


IPOS International Quality Standard in Cancer Care in Romanian

APSCO susține fără rezerve standardele internaționale de calitate IPOS privind îngrijirea persoanelor afectate de cancer:


1. Îngrijirea psihosocială a persoanelor afectate de cancer ar trebui să fie recunoscută ca un drept universal al omului;

2. Îngrijirea de calitate a persoanei afectate de cancer trebuie să integreze în tratamentul de zi cu zi aspectele psihosociale ale bolii;

3. Distresul oncologic trebuie să fie măsurat ca al 6-lea semn vital, după temperatură, tensiune arterială, puls, frecvență respiratorie și durere.


IPOS International Quality Standard in Cancer Care in Hungarian

APSCO fenntartások nélkül támogatja az IPOS daganatos betegek ellátásával kapcsolatos nemzetközi minőségi előírásait:


1. Az onkológiai pszichoszociális ellátást el kell ismerni, mint egyetemes emberi jogot;

2. Az onkológiai betegek minőségi kezelésében, a szokványos terápia részeként, integrálni kell a pszichoszociális ellátást;

3. A daganatos distressz, a hatodik vitális jel, mérése szükséges, a hőmérséklet, légzés, pulzus, vérnyomás és fájdalom mellett.

